I stumbled across your site totally by accident. I am very glad I did. I downloaded the demos you guys have up here, and have put them into my rotation on my mp3 player. I will also be ordering your CD soon. Great stuff. I hope that at some point you guys venture out on tour and make it somewhere near my hom in the midwest. Good luck with your music and travels. I'll be checking out your site frequently!
I like your site! I was wondering, since it looks like you know what you are doing, could you check out my blog and let me know what you think? I am trying to gather some feedback so I can improve it. And if you like it, please pass it on to your friends. I NEED YOUR HELP! Thanks!
I stumbled across your site totally by accident. I am very glad I did. I downloaded the demos you guys have up here, and have put them into my rotation on my mp3 player. I will also be ordering your CD soon. Great stuff.
I hope that at some point you guys venture out on tour and make it somewhere near my hom in the midwest. Good luck with your music and travels. I'll be checking out your site frequently!
Oh, I hope you don't mind, but I added a link to your bands website on my blog... I really enjoy your music and I hope others take a listen.
I was forced to write this by tiny people inside my head.
Cute Indian Girl is a model/actress and even a decade old Miss World. I mean AT LEAST the picture she is using IS!
Oh and the pics in this blog...........are pretty cool!
Really cool stuff in here. I want to travel more too.d\
Wow, video blogging is awesome...
Well then there now.
I like your site! I was wondering, since it looks like you know what you are doing, could you check out my blog and let me know what you think? I am trying to gather some feedback so I can improve it. And if you like it, please pass it on to your friends. I NEED YOUR HELP! Thanks!
Spettacolo, complimenti, che invidia...
Wow u travel a lot. i envy u... keep it up!
what are you using to put vido on your blog?
Real nice Photos.
It's a dream!
Real nice Photos.
It's a dream!
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