Friday, February 24, 2006

SLIDESHOW-A Farewell...for now

CLICK HERE or on the image to view.

Glimpses of limitless abundance...images, places, and people we will never forget...we have been touched by everywhere we have been...this journey started out as an idea and we could have never imagined what it would become in reality...we hope this blog has and will inspire you to travel, there is so much out there to ways of living and seeing the world around you. We are blessed to have had this forum to share this life changing experience with you. Thank you, Namaste.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

VIDEO- And In The End...

CLICK HERE or on the image to stream video.

This file is big but is well worth the wait...
It's bittersweet putting this final video up, truly the end of a beautiful journey that started last summer in Los Angeles and ends in Bay Area.
Words can't really do justice to our experience, but we have been grateful for the response we have gotten from all of you and hope you have enjoyed it as much as we have. We hope we have inspired some of you to get out there, get a backpack and set off...the adventure of a thousand miles starts with a footsep.
Thanks-Benjamin Jones and Malcolm Guess